Secure Wi-Fi Setup (Remote)

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We will guide you on how to secure their Wi-Fi network by setting a strong password, enabling WPA3 encryption (if applicable), and changing default router login credentials.


  • Brief overview of what will be covered during the session.

Understanding Wi-Fi Security Basics

  • Explanation of the risks associated with unsecured Wi-Fi networks.
  • Introduction to WPA (Wi-Fi Protected Access) and the evolution to WPA3.
  • Discussion on the significance of strong passwords and encryption in Wi-Fi security.

Changing Default Router Login Credentials

  • Step-by-step demonstration of accessing the router’s web interface using a web browser.
  • Guidance on changing the default username and password to a strong, unique combination.
  • Explanation of the importance of using a different password than the one used for Wi-Fi network access.

Setting a Strong Wi-Fi Password

  • Explanation of what constitutes a strong Wi-Fi password (length, complexity, avoiding common phrases).
  • Demonstration of how to change the Wi-Fi password through the router’s settings.
  • Tips on creating a memorable yet secure Wi-Fi password.

Practical Exercise and Troubleshooting

  • Participants practice changing their router login credentials and Wi-Fi password (if applicable).
  • Address common issues or concerns participants might face during the process.

Additional Wi-Fi Security Tips

  • Discussing other Wi-Fi security best practices, such as disabling WPS (Wi-Fi Protected Setup) and MAC address filtering.
  • Guidance on updating router firmware for security patches and improvements.
  • Recommendations on periodic security audits and password changes.

Q&A and Interactive Discussion

  • Open the floor for questions from participants.
  • Encourage participants to share their experiences or challenges related to securing their Wi-Fi networks.
  • Provide personalized advice and solutions to specific queries.

Conclusion and Recap

  • Summary of key points discussed during the session.
  • Reiterate the importance of implementing the security measures covered.
  • Provide resources or handouts for further reference on Wi-Fi security.



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